Epic climbing, two more climbers did “the branch”

Abdoulie and Damien did the branch. Sorry Abdoulie, I do not have the pic, as I was belaying!

We had a great evening with some new friends from Newcastle Upon Tyne, one of my favourites cities.20181128_180656

And alexander was exploring new ways to make our life more difficult!

Thursday 29th stargazing night

Bring  mosquito repellent, a sandwich and your binoculars.

We will be close by the Baobab. The best spot is in the middle of the football camp.

We will be looking for Orion and the famous Orion Nebulae, we will look for Cassiopeia and M31, Galaxy Andromeda.

Nights have been cloudy these days, we will do our best though!

Follow the link for a sky map  https://in-the-sky.org/whatsup.php

Moon over Fajara.Monday26th 2018 07:45